Thank you for telling the truth about the deficiencies of (most, IMO) new choreography. Woolf Works isn't brand new, but new to ABT in New York, and I have avoided it--while reading paeans of praise for it--because I feared it would be just as you described: a lot of tech sound and fury and swoopy-doopy dancing, signifying nothing. As a Woolf aficionado, I also feared the trend toward taking literature as "inspiration" for ballets. It usually leads to no good.

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Hi Kathy! It’s Alex from PP, fun to find you here. I went to this show last night and that was my experience— a lot of (literal) flashing lights and mostly thin choreography. At multiple points the speakers malfunctioned. I did think Alessandra Ferri danced beautifully in the last act.

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You mean Paperless Post? Cool. Online life is so strange. I love Ferri and it's hard to imagine her being bad in anything. The dancers in the company are, by and large, wonderful; the repertory, less so. I'm passionate about NYCB, less about ABT. Apart from a dress rehearsal of Onegin, I'm not going to anything unless someone else pays!

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